Frequently Asked Questions
To place an order on the Bounty Shop:
- Enter the name of the item you’d like to buy in the search bar. You can also browse for products by selecting the category on the left side of your screen
- Click on a product to learn more about it or add to your cart
- Click add to cart and proceed to the checkout page
- Register or login into your existing account by entering your email and password
- Enter your shipping/billing information ensuring your address is complete and accurate
- Select a Delivery Method
- Choose your preferred Payment Method
- Click on Confirm Order to complete your order.
- For additional support contact us at +260776316660. Our hours of operations are 8am – 8pm on Mondays to Sundays.
Delivery fees are the expenses incurred by Bounty Shop and our logistical partners in delivering your order to the specified location. Delivery fees vary based on your geographic location, shipping method, the quantity or category of the product you ordered, and the delivery method. You can examine shipping costs prior to placing an order on the product page as well as during the checkout process.
Packages may experience delays due to unforeseen circumstances such as severe weather or customs restrictions etc. Please contact us if your delivery is more than 24 hours late. We will also send you an email update when the item is ready for shipment.
Once an order has been submitted, the delivery information cannot be altered. Before submitting your order, you should verify your delivery information on the checkout page.
The prices at the Bounty Shop are fixed and cannot be negotiated. Our experts are always striving to acquire high-quality products at affordable prices. If a promotional voucher is available and the usage conditions are met, you may also use it to receive an additional discount. To stay updated on our campaigns and the latest deals for the best prices, kindly follow us on social media.